Browse Shoalwater Condos For Sale
As of February 6, 2025 there are 1 Shoalwater Condos For Sale with an average listing price of $735,000. The highest-priced property listing is $735,000, while the lowest priced property can be purchased for $735,000. Shoalwater Condos For Sale have an average price of $613 per square foot, based on listings with an average of 3.0 bedrooms, 2.0 bathrooms, and 1,200 square feet of living space.
Shoalwater Condominiums, Orange Beach, AL
The spacious layout of Shoalwater condos means each one has the feel of a corner property, with Gulf Coast sunlight flooding into the living space and the master bedroom. A central location, private, direct Gulf views, and wonderful amenities on site make Shoalwater a strong contender among the beautiful condos in Orange Beach!
Find your dream condo today. Get in touch with the Gatti Real Estate team.