Alabama and Florida Gulf Coast Real Estate
Newly Listed in the Last Day
As of February 6, 2025 there are 37 Newly Listed in the Last Day with an average listing price of $711,533. The highest-priced property listing is $2,500,000, while the lowest priced property can be purchased for $199,000. Newly Listed in the Last Day have an average price of $390 per square foot, based on listings with an average of 3.2 bedrooms, 2.7 bathrooms, and 1,957 square feet of living space.
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Featured Listing: Phoenix VII #709 in Orange Beach, Alabama
Phoenix VII #709: A Gulf-front Escape
There is a condo name that is often mentioned above all others when vacationers are considering a seaside visit to Orange Beach, Alabama. That name is Phoenix. With such a strong presence along our shores and a reputation for plentiful beach amenities and excellent service,…

Are you interested in learning more about Gulf Coast property? Contact The Gatti Team today! We are always here to help. Call today!