Looking for an unbeatable way to celebrate Independence Day this year? Head on down to The Wharf in Orange Beach, a sleek and state-of-the-art entertainment district that's home to upscale and boutique retail, extensive dining options, and a wealth of fascinating events year-round.

At this friendly location, you'll have so much to do any day — never mind the festivities you'll experience for a special event like this! This year's 4th of July celebration will actually take place on July 2nd; a Saturday makes much more sense than a Monday. Pass the time leading up to the 8:45 PM fireworks show by enjoying the open-air dining, refreshing beverages, and music. The kids will love the petting zoo, face painting, and bounce castles, and attendees of all…

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It's something we've all thought about, but only a lucky few actually go through with it. Now that summer's rolling around, the thought of investing in a vacation home has probably crossed your mind yet again. Maybe you wish you could drop everything and head to the beach without planning your accommodations. Maybe you're looking for another source of income — but you're limited on time. Or perhaps you're thinking of retiring in a few years and want to save up so you can relocate to a stunning coastal location. Whatever your reason, you should know that buying a second home doesn't have to be a far-off dream. That being said, you should be informed before making the decision, and you should conduct your home search equipped with the right knowledge —…

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